Neftegaz Services
Neftegaz Services is a service company providing full-scale support for oil & gas and mining projects worldwide.
With more than 10 years of project experience in Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East, internal geological, seismic, oilfield and mining expertise, an established network of local partners, extensive geological databases for over 200 projects in 40+ countries, an agile and truly international workforce, and industrial grade software Neftegaz Services is keen to offer the following services to our clients:
Consulting and engineering services on upstream operating activities in oil&gas

- Integrated petroleum, sedimentological and structural analysis of prospective basins and blocks
- Prospects and leads mapping. Resources estimation
- Exploration programs design. Planning and quality control of acquisition and processing of gravity and seismic surveys
- Risks analysis of 3rd party exploration programs
- Full cycle well log data management services
- Petrophysical evaluation of conventional and unconventional reservoirs
- Sophisticated rock physics modeling as a tool to link well and seismic data
- Supervision of on-site logging and coring operations
- Integrated stratigraphy, sedimentology and structural studies
- Geological modeling
- Audit, review and evaluation of oil and gas fields
- Reserves evaluation and expert opinions at each stage field development process (Russian, PRMS/SEC)
- Applied research in incremental oil production of mature oil fields by implementation of Improved Oil Recovery and Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Reservoir simulation, proposals for new and old well workovers
- Cost estimate (CAPEX / OPEX / Decommission)
- CAPEX and OPEX scheduling & Investment profile
Consulting and engineering services for mineral exploration and production
- Assessment and audit of mineral exploration&production projects
- Strategic and long-term open pit and mine planning, modelling, and risk evaluation
- Extraction efficiency improvement advisory applying high-yield mineral extraction technologies
- CAPEX and OPEX assessment and planning, investment profile creation
- Geological exploration program elaboration
- Analysis procedures planning and quality control (sampling/sub-sampling/analysis)
- Integrated production logging data support and analysis at all exploration stages
- Geological 3D modelling
- Geo-statistics, simulation modelling, geo-technical modelling
- Reserve and resources assessment (JORC, NI 43-101)
- Full cycle diamond drilling and RC drilling from planing to geophysical assessment of results
- Surface geophysical mapping – electric tomography, magnetic mapping, magnetic susceptibility measurements, geological mapping spectral measurement
- Land surveying

Finance and legal support services in exploration, development, and production of mineral resources and carbohydrates
- Financial, legal, and tax consulting
- Financial modeling
- Financial analysis and budgeting, including CAPEX and OPEX forecasting
- Investment value assessment
- Assistance with project portfolio documentation for investors, creditors, and shareholders